
Diet and Nutrition

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Take time to smell the flower; it contains a lot of feeling.  A flower can die once it is removed from the branch.  The same thing will happen to humans when we do not get good nutrition and diet. Imagine this and you will see why it is so important for every one to understand the basics of nutrition. It is important to understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition because it helps us in our everyday lives. Nutrition is the science that teaches us how the body absorbs / digests or uses food substances. Nutrition is a very important subject in society.

          Nutrition is important for us because good nutrition helps us to build or maintain both physical and mental health. Nutrients are divided into five major groups: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Nutrition’s are very important in our bodies because it helps us to build our bodies and be healthy. Protein, carbohydrates and fats are called macronutrients, and vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients.

           Vitamins are organic substances required in small amounts to promote specific reactions within living cells. Thirteen vitamins are essential to health. Vitamins are divided into two kinds Fat vitamins and Water soluable. Fat soluable Vitamins A, D, E and K. Water solvable  vitamin C, 8 B complex vitamin, B-6 thiamine, falt  riboflavin, biotin and pontothenic acid. The functions are help to release energy, from red blood cells, and maintain skeleton, nervous and Immune systems.

 Minerals are inorganic compounds required in small amounts to help regulate body functions, aid growth maintain of body tissues, and act as catalysts for energy release. Minerals have required in more than hundred milligrams such as magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. Minerals have less than hundred milligrams or trace minerals such as chromium, fluoride, and copper and so on. Commonly lacking minerals are Calcium, Iron and Zinc.

According to the An Invitation to Health by Dianne Hales, proteins provide four calories per gram or fifteen percent of total daily calories. Proteins form muscle and bones, as well as parts of blood, enzymes, hormones and cell membranes. The building blocks of protein are called amino acids. There are twenty amino acids that are found in food and are required by our bodies. Complete proteins contain all nine essential amino acids that basically we get from the food we eat. Most animal products such as beef, egg, mild and fish are complete proteins. Incomplete proteins are missing one or more of the nine essential Amino Acids. Typically, these come from plant sources such as beans, vegetables and nuts.

Fats (Lipids) provide nine calories per gram or thirty percent of total daily calories. The lipids are the most concentrated form of energy in food. There are different roles of fats to store energy, provide insulation organs, and help absorb fat soluable vitamins (A D E & K) and major fuel for body during rest and light activity. Most body fat is in the form of triglycerides. The saturated fats are solid at room temperature. The unsaturated fats are mono or polyunsaturated omega three falt acids; fish, oil and nuts.

Carbohydrates provide four calories per gram or fifty five percent of total daily calories. Carbohydrates are primarily found in plant foods. They supply energy to the brain, nervous system, blood and provide energy for high intensity activity. Carbohydrates are divided into two groups: simple sugars and complex carbohydrates. Simple sugar is also called mono-disaccharides it’s any thing that added to sugars such as honey, glucose and so on. A complex carbohydrate is also called a polysaccharine such as starches and dietary fiber. These are found in many vegetables, but not milk.

Food provides nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, water, and minerals that will break down into smaller molecules which the body can use to perform biological activities. Food eaten and then later absorbed into gastrointestinal act will either be used to supply energy for biological processes or stored in tissues and used at a later time when needed it. Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin, mineral, lipids (foods) and water are all classified as nutrients.  The energy must be consumed in order for it to be used by the cells.

Water is a major component in food and in the human body. The body is more than sixty percent water; the need for water is greater than any other nutrient. We need about two liters per day or eight cups of water. It is necessary for digestion and absorption. Foods and fluids provide eighty to ninety percent of daily intake; the rest is generated through metabolism. Thirst should not be used as an indicator of when and how much water we should drink.

Aerobic exercise is that which will allow food substances to metabolize properly with the addition of oxygen. Muscle contraction, neuronal soluable, digestion, and other processes of the body all require oxygen to function properly. Can you imagine why people engage in physical activity? Why should we keep our muscles in good shape throughout our life span? Because health is wealth and health is related components of fitness. There are four health related components of fitness; cardiorespiratory (aerobic) endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition. But remember the exercise does not only help with physical but also emotional. Emotionally exercise helps to release the stress during exercise. Exercise stops stress in its tracks. Exercise can reduce anxiety and may even help you deal with anger.

To sum it up, over all the study about the diet and nutrition it help us how to be healthy. Diet and nutrition affect every aspect of our lives our health, our appearance, even our self-image. Exercise and eating good and healthy foods helps us to build our body strong to live long and happy.


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Sweet candies are nice to eat!
Sweet words are easy to say!
But, sweet people are hard to find!
OH MY GOD! How did u find me!

